Howdy folks, as this is my new blog to document my Lean journey let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm a front line manufacturing supervisor. Yup a real bona fide front line guy trying to change culture, mindset, and operations all by himself and this is my way of documenting my journey of bringing Lean to the world.
Now yes this is my 3rd career in life, and I come from a medical background where life and death are real obstacles to overcome and sense of urgency takes on an entirely new meaning when SOP's should be followed. I have enough formal education behind me that one could even call me an academic. Guess what??? I'm in school once again working on an engineering degree. More paper to add to the collection I suppose. Yet to be taken serious in manufacturing one must be an engineer? No? You don't believe me? Surely you jest... Believe me I have a few letters behind my name, yet all my worldly experience can't cure the blindness of some. So to kick open a few doors, I'm picking up an engineering degree to get accepted into the club of, "He is an engineer, he has to know what he is talking about."
Enough with the formal education and lets talk hobbies. I shoot, I hunt, I fish, and I put people half my age to shame in the gym. So yeah you could say I'm a high speed low drag type that just can't seem to get enough of pushing the envelope. Oh did I mention I don't sleep? Yeah another curse of being a Type A. Reading blog after blog and book after book, trying to simmer it all down into a palatable stock that the masses will buy into and implement. Yes kids, the pull vs push methodology of Lean concepts. Learn it, Live it, and by all means preach it to the world.
Speaking of preaching to the world, my people skills have come a long way. I've been referenced as many things, being a salesman for things has never been one of them. This is my current quest, the people aspect of Lean and how listening coupled with effective questioning will serve a much better purpose than yelling and screaming at Joe six pack who is making tons of scrap due to a lack of training.
I have a personal Yoda in this journey so my progress may be quicker than I expected or you expected. Possibly I may crash and burn, but.... I seriously doubt that as I "Lead The Way". Some of you will get that comment some won't. I must also warn I am well read and make very situational specific references from time to time, that is the nerd in me. If you don't get it or question my sanity in my methods by all means ask me what on earth I'm doing. As this is not only my journey, but the journey of my team and the wins and losses we have together. My teams may change, but The Goal is the same, hint hint to you nerdy types that have read that book. FYI that was the first book ever given to me by this wild eyed mechanical engineer who told me, "You need to read this, it will help you understand the stupidity of the suits".
In closing of this first initial post, I'd like to thank my soulmate for challenging me to do this.
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